I was touched by a Random Act of Kindness about six weeks ago. I can't share all the details here, but I was in the middle of two devastating family crises - my brother's worsening condition and another family crisis that was just flung in my face two days earlier, one which had and will continue to have devastating fallout. I was sitting all alone sobbing in a secluded corner of a very crowded public place - the last place I'd ever imagined finding myself - scared and overwhelmed by the enormity of all that was going on at that moment. Out of nowhere a young woman approached me and placed a small rosary ring in my hand, and said: "This is just to remind you that you're not alone." As soon as I felt that cross in the palm of my hand, I felt a profound calmness wash over me, and prayed for guidance, heard God tell me "use this time wisely". I did by watching and observing and was able to find the exact right person to help us through the continuing maze of this situation.

It was a random act of kindness that will have longer-reaching ripples than that young woman could possibly have imagined when she pressed that rosary into my hands.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)