We have three children, all whom attended different schools because they all learn differently and have different interests. We've had our children in public, parochial and private schools. I'm grateful we had options. There are good and bad in each school system.

The way I have seen education at its best is when the teachers are enthusiastic about teaching, the kids want to learn, and the parents are doing their share at home. Getting all of this to work together for every kid is near impossible and I blame it on the parents. I'm sorry, but I think it all begins at home. Parents must be more involved in their children's education,and usually,when they are,it works. They have control over consequences in the home, and if the teacher is viewed at apathetic, they have a voice at the school to make changes. I feel sorry for the kids who get ragged on becasue their parents haven'tught them te importance of a good education or how to respect thier elders. Some kids get labeled as young as kindergarten and I think it's so unfair.
Founder Emeritus of Boomer Women Speak and the National Association of Baby Boomer Women.