Thanks gals and good for you, Casey! You might have saved a life!

I know a lot of you don't believe in this but I talked to a psychic. She was so right on, gave names, dates and places andn prayed before she began. I was blown away. This is what she said about my mom:

"You have a sister, which surprises me. Your mother had one child out of obligation. She didn't want another one but became pregnant with you. She doesn't have energy to give to others and when you were born, her resentment toward you is because she feels you ruined her life."

This is how I became the family scapegoat. My dad doesn't stand up to my mom because he pays for it if he does. So, he follows along in her footsteps (emotionally) and has joined her in never welcoming me into the family and if they could concentrate on everything I did, they never had to look at their problems. They still don't. If my dad ever tried, when he wasn't angry, to get close to me, he paid for it.

My dad is very wealthy. He and mom have used money as a means to control the family and rule over them. Now, they can't do that anymore because we're all out on our own and that tactic doesn't work anymore. I believe they are going to end up very much alone in the end.

Strangely, they have only told my two kids that speak to them, that they read my book. They tried to drag my oldest into a mud slinging contest and he told them he couldn't help that I wrote a book and he had problems of his own. So, whatever they tried to do hasn't worked. We are a bunch of disloyal heathens in their minds. Oh well...

Oh dear, I wrote another chapter!
If it doesn't feel good, don't do it twice.

Boomer Queen of Shoes