Can you afford my shoe habit?

My sister was amazed that I wasn't upset. I laughed. It actually gave me a giddy feeling for some reason. Like, so...what's new? Been there and wasn't expecting anything different from them.

My mom stopped short of demanding that my sister disown me. She almost said the words but didn't. My sister would have told her to take a hike on that one.

Their only concern when they heard I had written a book was what I might say about them and this was before they read it so they knew in the back of their mind what it was about.

The hub's humor kicked in again. He said he was going to call them and tell them he left me so they will leave everything to him in their will. Then, he called them a really foul name under his breath. He cracks me up.

Truly--honestly--I'm not hurt by this. Had it not been for therapy I could still care and be trapped in their dysfunction. God has been very good to me.
If it doesn't feel good, don't do it twice.

Boomer Queen of Shoes