Thanks everyone. Even as a Joyologist I worry about our world at times, especially with all that is going on. But then I come here....or I hear from my clients and subscribers. Makes me feel so hopeful for our world when I know that there are so many of us out there who believe in humor, laughter, being positive, looking to share matter where we live. YAHOO FOR OUR CHEERFUl, KIND BOOMER WOMEN!

Don't forget, being positive reduces your stress, makes ya healtier, attracts folks to you and studies show that optimistic people live longer.

I'm soooo glad you all are enjoying my "Virtual Moment of Joy" ezine and the "Powerful Tools For Positive Living" mailed newsletter. They're free, so it's worth checking it out, right!? hahah. And it's great fun to have subscribers from all over the world....welcome Celtic Flame! YAY Ireland.

IF anyone else wants one or both, the more the merrier. You can sign up at my main site Here's the sign up page direct link....

Also thanks for my Boomer pals for sending me your cartoons, jokes and puns.

Remember a smile is the best facelift....
KC Christensen-Lang
Joyologist/Success Coach/PR Consultant
Free Positive Living newsletters!