When Anna first died and this whole paternity thing started up I told my husband that I thought Anna knew she had gotten pregnant by a good looking, young, not to financially stable, Hollywood photographer that she had a fling with -- and asked her lawyer/friend to be the child's father so her baby would grow up with stability and a mature father. I think Howard Stern loved Anna enough to do this for her, and is smart enough to know that if the child goes back to Larry -- being his friend will allow him to stay in the childs life. Larry may very well have known about the pregnancy all along and agreed to the arrangement -- until Anna died -- and then perhaps this child became one big money sign ????

We dont know what goes on behind closed doors, but there must have been a reason Anna wanted nothing to do with her mother and didn't want her anywhere near her child. I have to respect that and figure "grandma" is seeing dollar signs herself !

Bottom line -- I feel soooooo bad for this little girl who will grow up reeallly screwed up if the people in her life aren't extremely careful !