I noticed this awhile ago myself, (the dry skin.) I use a moisterizer in the bath in the form of an oil, I use lotion all over my body, and I use a heavy moisterizer over my usual Lubriderm which I use because my skin is sensitive. Any derm's suggestion on lotion works the best for me and seems to stay on longer, my skin absorbs it, and I can tell the difference in those lotions and others. I've used expensive lotions but it made no difference! Eucern(sp,) Lubridem, and others are all doctor recommended and make heavier creams as well as lotion.
As a dancer I need to take care of my body so I found the recipe to just layer the the stuff on! On my feet I use shea butter that is pure from L'Occtaine which is fairly common for dancers, (we go through jars of shea,) and on my lips I use shea as well.
Just layer is it on! (And make sure your skin is damp when you do it so you have some water to trap on your skin. Putting moister on dry skin that is not damp is pretty much 50% less helpful.

That's all I know that works!

"Question your privilege"