Starting Over, that really is a good idea about writing down the of the most agonizing problems in my early grief right now is that all or most of my memories center around my brother's cancer - he lived for 43 years and had the cancer for only 8 months of those 43 years, but it's all I can remember right now...his pain, discomfort, disfiguration and gradual disintegration. And when I try to remember his life BC (before cancer), my mind just flips those memories forward into the cancer memories. Very frustrating. I know it will pass and eventually the other memories will hold their own special place in my mind, but right now it's not working. If I had something in writing, it would probably force me to move beyond the cancer memories and remember the better times in his life.
When you don't like a thing, change it.
If you can't change it, change the way you think about it.

(Maya Angelou)