Humlan, thank you so much!! Sometimes you have thoughts like, "Did I do the right thing? What if I had just chalked it up to the strange behaviour of a 4 yr. old?" My daughter wishes I'd never done anything about it even though she sat right there and heard the interviewer say she believed from the interview that something had indeed happened and more than once!! Who am I supposed to believe? I love her and would die if anyone was allowed to continue to violate her in any way. I felt violated when someone stole my grandson's bike, let alone someone possibly/probably practicing and teaching my 4 yr. old gd how to masturbate. I hate him for that!! She said it hurt and she wanted him to stop but he didn't. Then he had the audacity to give her tylenol for the pain. I sincerely hate him! So, yeah, I'm angry, so angry. Maybe someday I'll be able to forgive him but it will be a long time.

He calls and talks to his "son". Son, I'm getting a house and a pitbull puppy and a snake for you and I'm going to live on the beach and yadda, yadda, yadda. My grandaughter says, "I want to talk to daddy. Why won't daddy talk to me?" The grandson cries and says, "Grammy, I miss my daddy." My heart is torn into pieces all the time. I lash out in anger at the unfairness of it all and because of the helplessness I feel. I'm the only one who really cares about the kids. At least that's the way it feels sometimes and my husband says, "I won't be around those GD'd kids." I'm retired and 60 yrs. old and I'll be damned if I'm going to spend my retirement years taking care of some C***'s children who doesn't care enough about them to care for them herself." Meantime he goes out to the bar every night and drinks and drinks and comes over to my house telling me he "might" move in with me and help with the expenses but my house will be run HIS way and he says what will be and who will be and who will not.

Today I told him we wouldn't have any money for food until Thursday and he yelled at me to get it out of my daughter and then brought over frost bitten meat that I know he had had for months, some canned goods, some freezer burned french fries and MY coffee. He basically cleaned out his own refrigerator. I was thankful for it, but he's supposed to be MY HUSBAND. Please forgive my angry outburst, but thank you for letting me vent.
Aarikja Ann