I would be angry too. You've been in a bad zone for quite some time.

Your daughter: you can't force her to be responsible and you can't make her take the right path. My daughter was in sad shape and the hub paid for her rehab and it wasn't cheap. Today she knows that if she starts drinking again, she will end up in rehab with homeless people because I would never let him pay for it again. She's been sober for over a year now and really works to stay that way. But, it's been her choice and it has to be that way with your daughter. I stopped enabling her. I know when she's trying to get me to do something to prove my love and I won't go there with her.

You have to take care of yourself tho. I can't imagine my hub telling me he didn't want my grandkids in his life. My ex, the abuser, was like that and it sure wasn't a difficult choice to make. I would have chosen a stray dog over him.

Sometimes, you just have to let go and let God. It's out of your hands anyway.
If it doesn't feel good, don't do it twice.

Boomer Queen of Shoes