Yuhoooooooooooooooo! Honey, I'm homeeeeeee. I don't know what I enjoyed the most. The food, the wonderful company (DJ, your visit gave me such a boost! Ladies, DJ is a pure delight. I hope you get the honor of meeting her!) or just handing out with Dots and Mr. Dots. I told them I don't know why they have vehicles cause they walk everywhere they go. No, make that hike. Good grief...no wonder they are so "fit."

I have to say I was treated like a Queen. They wouldn't let me lift a finger (not that I tried that hard) and I've never been fed so well...holy smokes. When I got home I wanted to call them and find out if they could get me a pizza delivered. I'm spoiled rotten. They made me a part of their family. I was given food, drink, and love. What more could one ask for? I swear I didn't even mind that the house didn't contain any Oreos. I mean it.

I only had one bad experience. That was when I arrived in Huntsville but my luggage didn't. Somewhere out there is a man/woman wearing new clothes, looking at pictures of my family, and enjoying the gifts I purchased for the grandkids. Seems 10 other families didn't get their luggage either. That made me feel a little better. At least it wasn't just me.