My family celebrates Easter each year by dressing up and attending church. We come home from church and eat a big dinner which usually consists of honey glazed ham and scallopped potatoes, green bean casserole and cherry pie.

We let the children hunt colored eggs and usually have an Easter basket for each of them filled with candy and such.

I celebrate Easter mainly as the resurrection of Christ from the grave on the third day after His death. That's the other side of the story. The crucifixion leaves him on the cross, but Easter celebrates the risen Christ who is alive forever more and who sits at the right hand of God.

What a wonderful time of celebration, while I understand the Easter egg hunt is a pagan ritual and the Easter bunny is also a pagan belief, and that the Easter basket is also, I still let my grandkids participate in these things and explain the real reason for the celebration and that we have just taken those things which are fun to enjoy without their meanings behind them.

They understand and we have a great time!
Aarikja Ann