Welcome BHG, I have 7 grandkids and two of them live with me. The others I try to talk to on the phone about once a week and see them whenever I can. They were all at my house for Christmas and it was great!!

When the ones in MD were all small, I said I was going to one of those photo places and have a "Grammy doll" made for the little ones, much like the Marine wives and children do..carrying around a photo of dad who is absent.

One very good word of advice...children CAN be bribed or bought...lol They love presents and cards and attention.

I'm in the same situation with my oldest daughter's children, SL's mother is top dog and I'm an also ran. I found that that just makes me special. Its a real treat for the kids and my daughter when I come for a visit...(notice I didn't include my SL).

Something from you for Easter that is very special and meaningful, something used daily would be a daily reminder of your love for the grandchild. I agree to use your heart to decide.
Aarikja Ann