Emily, I am also having a 'disappointed with myself day'. Just remember that it is quite normal for everyone to feel that way sometimes.

It is a feeling...and I/we have to find some way to overcome that feeling.

I am going to get dressed and go out so I can concentrate on something good coming my way. I too feel like sleeping but we just cannot give up. Please, you do the same. Get ready and go out somewhere even for an hour.

I truly believe that your therapist is not the one for you and you should look into finding another soon.

Emily, please join me in taking a break from our feelings. It can't do any harm and who knows what the day will bring. I will report back later tonight and hopefully you'll do the same.

What you say? Is it a date? I'm giving you a little push....c'mon let's go take on the day. Please...for us.

Blessings friend,
~ Here is the test to find whether your mission on Earth is finished: if you're alive, it isn't ~
~ Prayer is the most we can do for another human being ~