Well, I like Patsy Cline and she probably would have loved those lyrics. What a hoot!

I'm still the same way. Having my evaluation today, which does not make me happy as I do not get along at all with my boss. Well, I get along with her - she doesn't get along with me.

Still trying to get a Dr. Really feel like my meds need to be adjusted.

Still don't feel like housework or cooking.

If anyone else has been in a "stuck" situation like I'm in, how did you break out of it? I'm talking to myself, but myself doesn't seem to be listening!!

Hope Anne is doing okay. Bless her heart.

Beautiful weather today. Will take the kids outside. But would rather be inside stariing at a tv program. But, I'm sure some little one will do something to make me laugh. They always do!

Thanks to all who keep writing to me. I need your support. Really.

Emily in Maryland