i think your doing great i could not chase after 37 kids at anytime lol

fancie a therapist not taking your monie...

sorrie i din't meen that disrespectfullie to you theripist out their i was just joking. Its a expensive bussiness over heer but one thast is very importat....In the uk we don't have the complicasion of insurances....sounds like it just adds to the difficultie. hope it resolves soon.

emjay you sound sweet and nice. Is their anything more you can tell us about yourself, if you done this in your introductions i am sorrie i missed it.
Whats your favourite hobbies?
What do you feel passionite about or what fires you up?
Whats your favourite song in the whole world?
If you had to plan the most amazine day and could have anything what would it be like.

think i feel a post comming on in girlefrends llol

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn