
This is THE best place to come when you're feeling lonely and all alone..... God has NOT LEFT YOU ALONE - there ARE people and care surrounding you, but when we're depressed, our eyes just can't always see very well. But we have to look with eyes that are at least open to the possibility, and let God surprise us with people we might never have guessed could be there for us.

thats a wee tip thats saves lifes eagle. It's also , as you know, one of the crule tricks that depression plays on us,...I had a whole seriouse of events that was horrendise happen all at once i got overwhelmed couldn't cope and got seriouslie depressed...one of the things that got me through it was nightly putting the child to bed and being gratfull for him in my life. It might of been the only thing i saw on being positive at the time......it was a blessing that i could see this it provided hope and a reason for life at the time.....It felt like their was nuthig and no one else. In realitie i had the child and other things in life to be gratfull for i just could't feel them which is so unlike me but thats what depression can do. I may be hard taking a leep of faith, it may be hard having the emotionality to allow yourself that vulribilitie in beliving but something well worth it and i have alreadie said saves lifes.
I just wanted to back that point up as it is so important in ways that can't be imagined....

hope todays a bit better for you emjay

love celtic
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn