Emily, welcome and so glad you posted here. I am bipolar II with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder. It's been nearly 4 years since I was diagnosed and through most of that I've been here on BWS. They've truly helped me get through my rough spots.

Panic attacks do feel like you're going to die. Meds can help and don't be afraid to take them. That's what they're there for. To help you manage the illness. One thing I will beg of you, please don't go off your medications without doctor approval. The results can be devastating.

I hope you find a new doctor soon. One that will help you and gain your trust and you'll be able to open up to and receive therapy. Be diligent. Keep calling. Ask for referrals.

I don't have much experience with being brought up in a negative church. My church was pretty great. I do have a closer relationship with God now, than I had while going to church. It's more private, intimate. And He doesn't care that I worry about the same thing over and over. He's there for me.

We're here for you. Remember that.
"What you believe yourself to be, you are."
Claude M. Bristol
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