But, in my case, the doctor insisted it was not diet related.
That's the problem with doctors in this country!!!!!
They're trained to look at symptoms then put a bandaid on the symptoms, basically. After years of trying to get myself feeling right, I think that medical science (again, msotly in Australia and New Zealand) has finally come up with some answers. And guess what -- it ALL seems to be diet related! Now we have to seek out the doctors that have studied nutrition, or at least who are willing to admit that they didn't learn all the answers in med school.

The digestive, immuno, and endocrine systems have to be in balance. If one's out of whack, then the others get out of whack. Certainly our hormones change, so that can upset things and maybe we can't control our hormones. But we can control our diets. Statistics show that American women have more problems with PMS and various female cancers than other women in the world. We also have a cuisine that's dominated by the food processing industry. So, I decided to fight back. I'm healthier now than I've been probably in my entire life (yes, I grew up eating jello and dessert every night).