thanks for keeping this descusion and this forum safe for us all dotsie regardless of religon denominasion, no religion, alternative religion, lifestyle etc etc etc...i sincerlie appriate your efforts.

i belive with all my hart certine things, my mind belives it and i have witnessed it so for me its totalie true ....but i accept that it wont be this way for all others or even most others.

So i can hold in balances, MY total belife being totalie true for ME...while for another THEIR belife is totalie true for THEM.

There is no fault with or from either of us but the fault occures when i excalme that my belife has to "BE SO"... for everyone elses. For example, "If you don't belive as i do then your wrong for doing so". More than just i think your wrong but you are ultimitlie wrong .

its a sutile wee diffrences but an important one on the forum but also in life generallie.

As most things are its just a balancing act lanague wise, and respect wise.....and one can also respect anothers belifes for what they are (trulie respect them) without them dilouting first persons belifes, (NL belifes need not change or lessen in strenth). Its a freedom thing, a non-judmental thing and an act of genuine respect...

NL may belive with her whole hart that her way is the ultimate truth, and for that their is nuthing verie wrong, but onlie when they are imposed or forced on another dose it become a wrong thing to do, due to, lack of respect and not that the belife is wrong...

NL with her deep held belife has an oppetunitie to learn this (as people with deep belifes often need to do)and it may take a bit of practices but it is it is only a change in attitude not in her belifes....thanks for giving NEWLEAF the chances to do this.

As in life most things take practices...As one practices then correction is necassary, at times, to ensure the right path and the right way for the future. Thats the process , do, correction, readjustment,do again, evaluasion and so on.

You know this is such an important life skill your doing NL a great favour and NL you setting an example for manie woman to follow who has similare habits. Those that may have grasped it, again get to evaluate their own behaviour so we all evolve and advances as one....

cheers dotsie and "respect" to the two of you for engaging in this....

(hope that aint to fluffie or overbearing as i still grogie from the opp)

you know what ladies , its all good heer thanks again. love and hugs to you all...

Edited by celtic_flame (03/29/07 03:22 PM)