Mustang, I can completely relate to what you are saying. I stayed away from church for a long time, years maybe, because of the clic thing. Some people are afraid of what is different whereas God looks on the heart of an individual, not on the outward appearance.
Still today, being the individual that I am, I go to church now not to see how people are going to react to me as I've learned their reaction won't be favorable, but I go to church now purely to show respect to a God that I love with all my heart, to worship him AND to learn. I've found a church that I really love to attend.

It's an Assembly of God. The pastor and his wife are unassuming and very pastor gets alone with God and asks Him what message He wants the congregation to hear each week. I like that.

I've resigned myself to the fact that people are fallible. Only God is infallable and only God sees and knows your heart and your every thought and desires an intimate relationship with us.
Aarikja Ann