
If we teach them that clergy are human beings with a calling to minister, as opposed to God's representatives on earth, will that make a difference? I think so.

thats an exilent definision with the right type of sutilty to allow for respect for their knowlage and learning but not to wholie give your own self up to anothers judgment....In general terms it work, but in times of crisis and deep confusion thats when others are so vulrible to misconduct be it physical, sexule or mental...In that vulribilitie your gonna relie and at times put anothers oppinion before your own. I know its not always the case but when so vulrible then its generallie true...

I understand what you mean and were the question comes from, DOTSIE about should they be judged in a court more harislie than others....think its more to do with the greater role or position one takes on in life then the greater the damage when that trust is broken not only to the victumised person but to all others in a congrigasion or hear about the misconduct....It deeplie sadeng and unfortunitly manie actulie translate it into the religons wrong, or worse still god in wrong in that degree of hypocrysis.....I don't know about the punishment being harder for thes indivduels but certinlie the hart brakes a bit more for the damage they do to others and also themselfs.....

Within catholisisum the prist is reliant on so manie things and is ordaned to take the place of the devine in such things as confesion etc....so in some instancies to see a man fullie as being in place of god almoust and then to go back and view him as a fallible man who may advise you about spiritual matters but not direct your mind, is a verie trickie thing to do....

GIMISTERS POINT exilent as it is i just wonder what types of changies would be necasary for that to be so within the mind of a person....

Would their need to be a whole new culture born within a church ...maybee with more helpers and people tranned to advise on spiritual matters over and above the one person, could that be possible?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn