yea that white car things a great example, and we are all sensitised to certine or diffrent things so those things prick us or catch our attension becouse they are relivent to us or our frends...the homosexule or litrale interpritasion has been printed out 4 times in the last mounth or two mounths...

I wouldn't want the thread to be closed as it (residue or bad feeling) just pops up in other it has to diea down of its own accord with everyone having their say...think thats best....better is when feathers don't get ruffeled by mutule respect.

i don't think all christians are bad or wrong or hatfull, or that the religion is wrong...i have manie frends and one who vistists weeklie, who are adamant rock solid christions. In the latter example we had one or two chats about belifes and lifestyles then we got on with the busness of being frends...

do you know i have found a dear frend on this forum we chat pm wise and (once for 2 hours on the phone) and i was so surprised how much i liked this woman, (but know i would) we both aware of our diffrences yet both get to talk about christ....being lent and talking and descussion the crucifixtion she nearlie/i nearlie lol had us in tears...We meet and bonded becouse we both sillie but serious when it counts...the inital conversasion was about "what do i do about my child going to christion school and would he be descriminated agenst"..both said our peace but with open harts and respect now we frends...i have great respect for her and love her dearlie, she reallie adds to my life....and another rock solid christion.
i know your not trying to convert anyone to anyway...i am gaining a sence of your self via the posts.

i am at peace with myself in relashion to this stuff but know my kind of people range in reaction to this from fear, shocked to anger to genuine pain and confusion. There manie suicides and addictions becouse their is no reconsiliasion of lifstyle with religion within the indivduel...
becouse i love god and have an active spiritualitie seeing someone, anyone turn their back on god is reallie painfull for me, especillie if their scared out their wits...Thats why i will always speek out agenst certine things...

I think i got a big social consionse and feel a social responcibilitie to protect and to speek for those that dont cant have a voice...its a strenth and also a failing of mine at times..
I am also aware of the people reading and not responding, or the lurkers lol and who know the effect this has on has the potencial to hurt and heal them, i whish for the later, especillie in relashion to god and the fate of their soul.
thank you for the considerasion and inclusion.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn