23.Then Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it on both their shoulders, and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned backward, and they did not see their father's nakedness.24When Noah awoke from his wine and knew what his youngest son had done to him,25 So he said, "May Canaan be cursed! He will be a servant of servants to his brothers."

"May Canaan be cursed! He will be a servant of servants to his brothers." and his desendents.. whomever the earlie imperilist, capitilst etc. wanted to enslave ...they deemed them desendents of Canaan...In the name of the bible hence god

As you can see litrial interpritasion (or any twist on THEE WORD) has and still can creat a whole load of trouble or be manipulated for any use if one so desirees. In relasion to slaverie it was for capital gain, the use of people for or as property

Took a while for me to re-find this passage. According to historiens and world experts into slaverie, the above vers was the one used to justifie slaverie from the 15 centurie onwards. Untill bible became mixed with biologie in societie and that became the new justificasion for slaverie, thes two combined forces weer unstopible in terms of attitud and one seperet set of people dominating a diffrent set of people. Slaverie created or gave birth to racisum

We may not have slavierie today but its legacie remains in racist attitudes and behaviour held within our culture today, the handing down of attitudes and belifes for generasions untill the present day...ex slave colonie that rebeled or won their freedom weer left to financial ruin, and stil are financialie bankrupt, ie taheiti

Its so difficult to get to thee truth of anything.....but yet so verie important...

I hope i have made a point and its not in discrediting the bible but in the coutione and care that is needed when interpriting the written word, litrialie or otherwise....
Theese are the words that reprisent GOD to us on earth...with christs life as an example,(rember christ was the light of the world)an example of gods love, compasion, forgivness and justness in trying to create a brotherhood amounst people that was fair noble honerable and had common sences decent values based in love and fairness with that in mind, how should biblical word be interprited?? Should it not be in the same manner as the living christs example?
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn