
Christianity was given to us by Christ.
Denominations were brought to us by man.
.... I find a distinct difference between Christianity and dogma/doctrine. So, best we lay denominations aside and get to the core - Christ - that is, if we choose to continue discussing "Christianity."....
However, as a reminder, the original quest behind this thread was in sharing how we envision, feel and/or hear God.

I'll admit, your post made me feel a bit like you were defining sides and drawing a line in the sand.

gymsters quotes...

If you were refairing to my post: THEN my answere. i was hopefull that diffrent docturns could be left aside but unsure as to weather they could or would be.....and conserned weather it be wise to descuss this due to the above biases between christions come throw more than anything productive....regarding descussion. I thought i made that clear in the post, maybe not?
At that point the people active in the descusions was 2 christions and the rest for want of a better word "other".

Again i was concered....as to how productive or calmlie it all be descussed with all sides or belifes being upheld with respect?
it was a question (above) and a statment...(below)
Two people (newlie) active in parts of the descusion over the last few days have droped out, for whatever reason...i am not participating as i have allreadie said i do not whish to talke agenst christianity regarding weather it is the one true or not religion...

I will happilie waite in the thread let you NL and casiey descuss it amounst your selfs (as you have been) and when or if it comes back to god then i rejoine.....you never know some people may rejoin or start in the conversasion now it has taken this turn...

no label was given to you gimster apart from one you had previouslie given yourself. No line in the sand had been drawen....and since i am a bit unsure as to what that refaired to hence (some) of this post.

Now we all clear and up to speed, regarding my part i whish yous good conversasions ladies.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn