CASYS QUOTE...And, as I've said before, I don't subscribe to literal interpretation of the Bible, although I accept that there are those that do.....
So, where does a simple difference of belief in how we worship God/dess begin and end? Where does our personal belief begin to adversely affect other people?...There's beliefs that lead to some pretty harsh actions and the "LGBT is sinful" is one. Innocent people have been killed over that. END CASYS QUOTE.

CASY from one who is "within" christianity ...thanks for that understanding and connection, between scripture, descriminasion, prejudices fuled killing, in the name of god....or more accuritly the bible and its interpritasions being used as the justificasion of such hate and prejidice...I don't and can't belive for one second that this is the true representasion of god or of christ and how he showed us to live our lives and conduct our could murder and descriminasion leading to untold amounts of pain for verie manie poeple be the example of christ legacy on this earth....
its just the justificasion of ignorances hate and prejidice and the focus of the bible being used as a batterring ram...and in sincerity i hope and pray that god forgives them that use his legacy in such ways to bring such wel as leading them to the relizasion of the error of their ways....theirs always hope

their are manie popeople seriouslie and adversly affected by this stances and theas types of statments. Fortunitly i am not one of them.....On behalf of the people who are, i will always speak out agenst it as i would any other type of descriminasion...and you never know the propergaters of such hate and fear might come to their senseas as to what their true motives are and what the true effect this has on the world and people.
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn