The new ministers stuff you weer talking about ANNO is scarrie and sad on manie levels. Its sad that in this day and age their not enough understanding that people are just fine as they are gay or straight. Behaviourist psychology famed for trying to deprograme homosexules, they had some succeses, some sucicides and added a lot of hurt and harm to the people they infected...with the trying to cure the homosexule...Sometimes out of peoples best intensions (according to them) happend great wrong doings. If their was a homosexule gene and it could be identified then would a lot more people become pro-choice, would that also include disabilities mental or physical etc.

Once in time slaviery was ok, the hollocost was ok, the inquisition was ok...them time turnes people get more evolved and find out that the stuff that was once ok and right and proper that they do was wrong to do all along...after years of shouting and screeming about their rightness and their rights to whatever it may be, it must take one big fall in ego and pride to face the truth of the destruction in the world and to personal lives just becouse they weer sure slavierie or such was so verie right......and then how do you explain that to your god, who will forgive you but their will always remain consiquinces to all our humanlie actions.

Like the mass destruction of culture and societie created by some missonary work...At times i hate the uk historie becouse of the empirilistick attitude and actions, who gave them the right...who indeed. Thats on a par with missonarie work or similar in action and attitude, and no i don't meen all misonarie work..I also havent read that book.

I gave up debating and wonderring if their a gay gene or anything like that when i clicked that i didn't need cured, that i was perfect as i am, that i have a place in heaven along with every one of us, that if i had a choice (which off course i have) that i would not chose a diffrent lifestyle for me, despite the descriminasion, harrasment and nonsences your faced with living a "in or out" homosexule lifestyle...and one i am not sorrie about (oh how dare i to be happie and unrepentant lol)As with all of life their are disadvantiges like which i have just named, but off course their are advantiges.....otherwise why would we be so resistent to changing life style, of course their manie advantiges to this lifestyle....
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn