no thank you i don't need to go pasty old ground in my immaginings........and itsnot about political correctness, thats an all too handie cover all for you...

So can i aske you the same question in reverse.....HAVE you for one minete considered in the last fortnight that you may be WRONG...not wrong for us but wrong in the ultimate way of being wrong...and you weer trying to lead us from our pathway of love, into a darker scarrier place....

directing the question to all parties including the last few open minded have you been?.... NL quote.(WE ARE)...all free thinkers and open minded, sane, rational and logical.end QUOTE

Have you been any of the above...while telling the rest of us that we are doomed to a life of hell in the afterlife.....and the emphasis heer is TELLING THE REST OF US OUR FATE..
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn