There will also be another ethnic cleansing, but it will be the Earth ridding herself of Christianity......END OF NL QUOTE
Well that be about one thired of the world populasion....would the world be better off without christianity or christions.....doubt that very much and i would miss manie dear frends...would i have any part in this or stand by and idealy watch it happen NO...not every christion person attempts or has an attitude of conversion and they still remain valad fervent christions

Think you miseunderstand me i am not may not be my belifes but i no desiree for the erradicasion of anything weather its in my belife system or not. i love CASYS christ follower instead of christion distinction...that made sence to me and closer to what i belive, (christ as one of many) "guiding lights in the world"

Moreoften or not what we clash over and what i generallie find distasfull about anything is when one person, one anything clames or tryes to creat a monopoly....when one person has to belive in a somthing in order to or they will face terible consiquinces... thats attempts to take choice from the individuel, thats weer dominasion lives..

Throughout the thread NO ONE said christanity shouoldn't be heer, or be accepted..

HANILORE asked you a question, CASY gave you a grammatical suggestion....which was accurate and made sence....Was their any reason for ignoring any of the two ladies question suggestions? to focus and write what you did?, just might help us move on to new topic in the descusion...
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn