Many people will stumble over the truth as it is referred to as a "stumbling block to many". Ultimate truth is a concept many won't accept or embrace. That's to be expected. I wouldn't expect everyone to embrace the truth.

All one has to do is read Revelations to know how the end of time will play out. There will always be wars and rumors of wars. There will also be another ethnic cleansing, but it will be the Earth ridding herself of Christianity. I believe in the rapture of the saints, that in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the saints of GOd will be caught up to meet him in the air, that the dead in Christ will rise, the graves will split open and we will meet Christ in the air and be with him forever.

Then the world will be Christianless, for lack of a better word. Finally!! Finally the world will experience freedom from these, as Celtic puts it, dominant peoples who have thought the only way to eternity with God was through the blood of Jesus Christ, his son. That should take care of things, right? A new era of peace and unity? Right, wrong! The new world leader will rise up from the midst of the 10 nations that will be left of the EEC. A powerful leader who promises world peace and harmony. Then she will turn on her own people and there will be no place to hide.

The only way, then that those who come to believe in CHrist at that late date will make it is to choose to be beheaded. Ancient mythology states that all power of the spirit can be taken over by the conqueror by decapitation. That's the logic behind and the religious belief behind the cannibals and head hunters. If you remove the head, the spirit and soul of the person comes to empower you.

Christians won't be able to buy or sell, we won't be able to get medical treatment, we won't be able to educate our children. We won't be able to work or draw welfare because we will refuse to take the mark of the EEC which is the sign of the beast.

Its all in Revelations. Its been there for centuries. That's why it is so important to be right.
Aarikja Ann