And I have become more aware of the difference between the doctrine of organized religion and the essence of the religion. My beliefs are in the hearts of religions/beliefs which are very similar, not in the doctrine.END QUOTE

can you expand on that becouse it sounds intresting and i a bit confused about the docturn ...."hearts of religions/beliefs which are very similar" that your own belifes or your churches.....your studie sounds intresting.

as of retuale. In private i have daily and nightly prayer....and more harder to do with the chikd around is medistasion. I can pray and feed him etc. but i need bit more peace for meditasion....for me praying is like talking to god meditasion is quiting my mind and waiting for answeres to prayers or a better way to do things, so often i find i am rong about things in meditasion. ....i love group singing be it hymes tradisional or not...i love the energy that comes from it.

catholisisum has manie stric or regimented rituals around the mass and something about it and about the order and predictibility of it all brings me comphort...The time honered tradisions of give me a great sence of age of it all ie communion

so when i moved cghurches which is based on 7 principles, the lack of rules and strick ways was a bit scarie for me at first but it turned out to be just what i needed, theirs also order to services but less flamboyance of catholisisum....i let someone else take a turn.

even if its a ritual they perfor in private regulary that has some meaning for them i would give it credences i don't belive you need manie people for things to be effective.

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn