I have to confess, Anno, that that statement threw me as well. NL, I am curious. Can you see that when you make a statement of "truth" it is different from stating that you believe that something is "true"? It doesn't change your belief or your conviction or the love I know is in your heart. It doesn't mean you aren't right. But it allows the rest of us to feel a little less hammered.

I've been doing a great deal of study of theology through something called Education for Ministry. It's interesting and allows me to become more and more clear about my beliefs and more at ease about them. And I have become more aware of the difference between the doctrine of organized religion and the essence of the religion. My beliefs are in the hearts of religions/beliefs which are very similar, not in the doctrine.

I hang around the Episcopal church as much for community as anything else. The mass gives me something indefinable and beautiful that is dependent on a ritual. Rituals can be very grounding for many people and take many forms in different religions and outside of them.

How do rituals help you know about God (whatever you may call her/him/it)?
Casey Dawes
Wise Woman Shining
Supporting women business owners to step into their power as business leaders.