With all due respect, Celtic, its not about domination, its about servitude. Jesus never intended for anyone to be condemned. It seems in this culture and in the day and age we live in that freedom of choice and freedom to believe as we wish is of paramount importance.

I would have to agree. At the same time, it is true that the Muslim, the Jew, the Satanist, even the dear one who straddles the fence, ALL will confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God the Father.

Now, that doesn't mean dominance, it doesn't mean anyone should go to war. It doesn't mean to be a hater or a judger. The Bible says that those who don't believe in Christ as the sacrificial lamb of God are condemned already because they haven't believed.

No wars are necessary. I can't say that I don't care whether or not you or your loved ones ever believe because that would be a lie. I do care because the love of Christ dwells in me. If you truly love your fellow man, you want them to be happy, healthy, and that they have eternal life.

Good works and happy thoughts won't get you there. It really is as simple as that. Love does involve passion and sacrifice. Its not all warm fuzzies. It takes a strong person to walk the path to salvation and to finish the race set before them.

We ARE in a spiritual battle and any of you who think we aren't are deluded. Its not a battle with arms and combat, its a spiritual battle for the souls of our friends, our children and our families.

It isn't easy, but you can't be politically correct and serve God at the same time. You CAN be polite and loving and considerate and be the greatest servant of all, but if you don't have the strength of your faith and your convictions then you are as the Bible puts it, a prostitute to the faith and not a handmaid of God. Those of you who are Catholic, what would Mary do? I ask you to search your conscience.
Aarikja Ann