Hi all,
I am not offended. I really expected the reactions and I hold the space for everyone to be right for themselves. Although it's true that the statement "take what you like and leave the rest" has to do with my belief statements and not the Bible's. That might have been a bit confusing! :-))

Gimster, stay here with us. It's a good topic and one that needs to see the light of day more often so we learn how to talk about religion (and politics) in a respectful way.

Based on biblical criticism (the study of the Bible's origins), the Bible was assembled and edited by men over time. Whole sections of gospels were left out. Stuff was put in. That's why I do not take it literally, although I accept that there are people who do.

And, Gimster, I get your point about Christianity. I sometimes wonder myself if I am a Christian according to the doctrine of most Christian churches. Yes, I believe that Christ was put to death and the resurection occurred. However, I don't believe that it was a sacrifice for my sins. I believe the lesson is in his life. So, maybe that makes me a Jesus follower and not a Christian? I'm not too hung up on labels, so whatever one you want to use is fine with me.

New Leaf is also right. Right from the get-go, the church that Paul and Peter established was intent on conversion and it is a doctrinal imperative of the Chistian church. However, again, for me, it's an imperative of the church that developed after Jesus died, so it's not one I buy into.

I just wonder, when there's conflict between what Jesus said to do (e.g. love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself) and what some churches say to do (demonize those who aren't Christian), why we don't follow what Jesus said and did rather than the men that came after him? Just curious.

Take what you like of my beliefs and opinions and leave the rest.

In spirit,
Casey Dawes
Wise Woman Shining
Supporting women business owners to step into their power as business leaders.