Its a strange dicotomy that those of us who are Christians have been taught that sacrifice is so important in the act of Love. So much so that we, many of us, have laid down our lives and have been martyred for the freedoms of those who oppose our beliefs to practice freely.

While we fiercely hold to the belief that all should have the right of free worship, we also are due respect for our commission to spread the truth to every nation, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I think we have all stated our beliefs and we are free to do that due to the sons and daughters whose parents grieve their loss in battle after battle.

Jesus said that in the last day, "Every knee shall bow and Every tongue confess, that Christ is Lord to the Glory of God the Father.

Satan believes the Bible as much as any evengelist, priest or preacher. He knows it is true. So, to borrow from its teachings and to take what you want like it is a Spiritual Smorgasbord, is ludicrus. There is only one way to a Holy God and that is through the shed blood of his son Jesus Christ.

I understand that is the true litmus test and always has been and always will be until the end of time. We shall see on the last day of time who was right. and Right IS soooooo important to your soul.
Aarikja Ann