yea any pain from the kids....incredible and comes with that helpless realitie of what true powerless comes from or is made of...when you have kids its like weering your hart on your sleave. Addictions such a horrier for the addice and everyne they come into contact with....especillie effecting the familie.

i agree with you on the part that its not gods plan for them or indeed any off us to live in that much pain, or to solve it in that manner their is a way out that dosent revolve round us hurting ourselfs furtheir. Some folks know this instnctivly and can cope othes don't and have to learn....Someothers have such a hard time with the learning. This world for me's about progress, the journey perfection may come the other side of life or it's just another level of journieing, who knows. I like to think that so many of our questions get answered about ourselves the world and the ones we loved, we get to know the truth of things events and spiritual matters.

The image of crawling onto a lap and relaxing a nice one. It speeks to me of protection and love. Like a 3 year old to its parents lap.....For me i don't know how it comes or if their be a lap involved but i do belive it be about the feel protection compasion and understanding for all the things i don't know or don't understand in this world.

I hope katie be well now or soon, as long as theirs hope, hartbraking as it is during the waite we never know how it turns out. I would always risk my hart braking than giving up on those i loved. Letting go of the outcome untill they come round keeps us safe and living in the boundrie of our own humilitie. The rest maybee is a god thing weather they know it or not or weather it seems directly related to god, lol their many sneekie lol indirect ways the spirite workes.

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn