i trulie hasppie you had the positive experinces you had with the church....pitie you got addicted to the drugs.

overand above that what can i say about the posts....

The main thing is i don't repond to threats from people nor threats regarding my soul and how gods gonna treat me when we meet and you know this NL.

Meds and theripists are necassary at times for people in crisis or sever pain...look further than your own experinces newleaf!!!

you have gone a little to far this time (as you do many times) in your assumptions juding and daming of me....and off course it transmites into my profesional life. All this on no evidance of what or how i do my work, just your own perceptions.
Ladie your way off mark heer and blinded by your own belifes about me, religion and how the world should be. Fine if thats how you want to live your life but the line gets drawen when you start telling me how to live mine, falslie question my work throw into the pot the potencial damnasion of my soul and implie that the world (and my world)has to revolve around your religion....sorrie but no ball.

you have every right to your belifes for your life but not when it turnes into your belifes for my life. Try to treat me with the same respect that i repeatidly offer to you

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn