I don't know what pagan isum is like in the USA but heer it's having a god and godess as dietie figuers...The regognision of rythums of time or phases of moon and sessions, attension to the earth and the cycles of birth, life/maturasuin and death. Ritules that mark the seesions and the symbolisum of the seasions....The three fold law of return, what you do or give out comes back to you three times (be it good or bad). Whats wrong with a gentile respectfull way of worshipping like that........More or less thats it, no animal sacrifice or beastiality.....
I know that some of the woman heer on the forum are pagan, or spacifica strain of paganisum named wiccan. They are good sane sound woman...

Is paganisum a much diffrent type of religion or practice in the USA? could someone who know's answere this, or at lest someone not biased agenst it

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn