But what is worship? Does it need to take place in a church, temple or synagogue? Is it in my prayer for healing or in my appreciation of my beloved? CASIEY QUOTE.
(I WHISH i new how to do quotes properly)

great question casey what is worship, for me it's anything and everything too or furthers a positive loving intent, attitude or action in the wolrd. Concisley or subconcislie done.
So i woship when i have the above when i feed or bath my child, help another young mother, hug a sad mate, walke in countrie park, make love, sit by the sea, find pebbles, when i recognise a positive feeling eg joy and just offer up to the devine spirite that moment of joy, and much more....

Woshipping is about who i am thse days my way of life and being in the world as well as the formal worship that goes on in churches chapels and the likes. In my prayers, my meditasions or healling prayers thanks goodness those actions or the act of worship is not just confined to a certine place or a certine way.

Thanks for opening this up for further expresion of all types of worship casey.

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn