
No matter what our differences, we all need each other and need to worship in unison and in spirit and in truth.NEWLEAFS QUOTE. In my view thats what the global truth is if we ever to have a better world.

There are new churches cropping up across the U.S., mostly filled with younger generations, which have members of different faiths, beliefs, doctrines, etc. and they all worship under one roof. Can you imagine the power that would be generated if we all did forget our differences and worship in unison? Even if we weren't gathered together. I think my God would welcome any love based worship (more specifically love of good and love of our fellowpersons - that would not include free love...lol). WOW, how our words can get us into trouble! No devil worship or such. I have a hard time with pagan worship.

About words getting us into trouble:
In a college speech class, the students had to "instruct" the fellow students in a way that they could follow the instructions to a T. I chose to have them work a puzzle as I instructed them (without a visual). It was so much harder than I ever imagined. I ran into trouble when I told them to put the crescent shaped piece on top of the rectangle, which had previously been placed in a vertical position. One guy in the back of the classroom challenged my instructions and all sorts of problems ensued. "What do you mean by 'on top of'? Do you mean above? Stacked as in layers? Touching? Not touching?" Leave it to a smart guy!I'll never forget that experience.