I don't hate anyone and really do care about others, just don't have time for myths and fairy tales, though they are very entertaining and sure won't stand for anyone dissing the one I love most! NEWLEAFS QUOTE.

Nor should you have to stand or agree with anyone dissing the one you love. (by that i take it you mean jeasus and christion god) As a christion you have as much right to your choice and belife in your god as anyone else has in their right to their god. It's a two way street.....and that respect has been given to you and all other christions that posted and non christion. Overall it's been a reallie good post don't you think?

enjoy your god, your religions teachings and above all else how fitting and right they are for your life. It's one of the points of religion and spirituality to provide some type of framework in which to live a life that brings us closer to the god of our understanding and to the rich fruits of a positive afterlife. (if one belives in such a thing)

No matter what our differences, we all need each other and need to worship in unison and in spirit and in truth.NEWLEAFS QUOTE. In my view thats what the global truth is if we ever to have a better world.
