I don't think that particular incident changed my view on spirituality. I was already morphing into a more learned spiritual being, in contrast to the way I was as a child. I was "innocently" spiritual, as a young girl. By that I mean I was seeking, but following rules, rules set out by church and parents. On occasion, tho, I had several single spiritual experiences growing up. For instance, I was raised Souther Baptist and we had what was called youth rallies. I went to one, which was held in a chapel that was full to capacity - I would estimate close to 200 youths, ministers and parents were there for that particular rally. I was probably on the fourth or fifth right row from the front, and was very attentive during the sermonettes, songs and skits, but not overly moved. We all stood to have the closing prayer and, during that prayer, a feeling washed over me that was literally out of and not of this world. It was confirmation that I was in my right place with God. At the same time, I knew little of its magnitude.
Being older (when the angel hug occurred), I was in a more searching frame of mind. I was no longer bound by the Souther Baptist legalistic preachings I grew up under. I was, at that time, a member of an Assembly church.
I do not attend church, these days, because churches have become to much like businesses to me. Not that there aren't good and Godly people attending them - please, don't get me wrong.
I pray, mostly when my head hits my pillow. If I want a good prayer moment, tho, I have to get to bed before my DH gets to sleep - hard to concentrate when he's snoring in my ear!
All in all, I'd say my spiritual person, now, is equal in strength to the one I owned as a child. It just has more facets.