The movie, Osama, has won a number of international awards. The message conveys the frightening helplessness these women face in their daily lives. Because they are not allowed to work, if a woman becomes a widow, she is doomed to starvation. That's just one of the many unjust laws these women must fight for. But within their country they hardly have a chance; if caught, they are stoned to death.

WOW HANILORE that sounds like a powerfull movie, i get upset and the feeling of helplessness sets in whaching some movies so i get into a delema sometimes as to weather i should watch them or not. Put i got good stratigies to cope and do some good with those types of feelings ie Amnsetie international etc.

I know the IW Day post is running in current events and hopefullie the women on the forum can participate in a forum poetry contest if they want but their another post running in current events titled V-day, its a good thread and also whoever posted it put a link up to a web page about how to help put an end to sexule abouse/attack in childhood or adulthood.
Anyway we going way off track in this thread....some people weer descussing god and their personal interpritasions of it. Others were about to go off in tangents all of their own, in their own brand of evil. I rather not add to the tangents, it's been a good thread as it has been so far and sure will be, chat soon mate

love celtic
"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn