I recently came across a phrase that I've been using almost on a daily basis, since. It has embossed itself on my conscious mind.
It made me stop and consider what God is (thus this thread). I thought long and hard about him and how I envision of him... and learned I had to address my need to even have a visual image of him. I, too, had a semi-childhood image - the big Daddy in the sky thing. After thinking quite a lot on the subject, I've come to these conclusions:
I believe God is in all things.
I believe God is in me, as I am in him; he is a part of me and I am a part of him.
I believe God is everywhere... this led me to thinking of him as an all encompassing entity (energy, if you will) and not in a confined form, of any kind. I don't think he has form, as we define it.