oh i wasent born into that type of religouse thinking. I was born into a cristion familie that took very very seriously its relasionship to god. i really benifited from it. As i grow i noticed that their was sizable contridictions in the teachings as they weer wrriten down and the people that spearheaded or reprisented the religion. I could not reconsile it, i also am in direct contridiction to scrpture teachings with eliments of my life and living. I put a lot of thought and feeling into the delema for a couple of years then took to explorring other religions....i piced together my experinces of spirituality, religions, life experinces and what i have experinced in terms of spiritual episodes found other like minded people and have never been happier. When i view my ch8ildhood christianity in the contect of global religions, spirituality and thought for me now, it's another pathway and set of rules to bring you closer to god...but just not my way. It's just ironic becouse as a child i didn't relize how many other religions weer out their and everything else seemed weired now nuthing seems more weired than anyother hart felt belife....gotta respect all the diffrent pathways was what i concluded

i forgott you had asked that bit gymster

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn