God is spirit, more than anything. I couldn't get through a day, if I didn't cling to Him. Yell, I carry a mental image. He's handsome; has long hair, and a full-beard; wears a robe and sandals. Most of time God the Son is praying in front of a large rock to God the Father. The Holy Spirit is like an aura of warmth and security. Sometimes I picture my arms around His neck. Sometimes I'm reaching for the hem of His garment. Sometimes He's holding me in His arms. I dream of the day He'll take me to join Him. And there'll be no more pain, no more hurt, no more separation from those I love. I'll have a new body and all who've gone before me will have new bodies; yet, we'll recognize each other. I couldn't tolerate life, if I didn't believe in GOD: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!!!
Ciao for now,

P.S. God is everywhere; He's everything. He's part of everyone. God is in the eyes of other people. He's in their smiles. He's in their kind words. He's in their hugs. God is in the warm breezes. He's in the birds. He's in all plant life and animal life. He's in all life. He's in the wind, rain, sunlight, rainbow, lightning, etc., etc.

Edited by bonnierose333 (02/28/07 10:43 AM)