Wow! I've been trying to conjur up an image of God. Truth is, I rarely think about God in a form. When I do, its more like He just IS. I can't touch Him or I would die. I can't look at His face or it would be too much for me. My mind can't wrap around his image but He says we (mankind) are made in His image.

In the Bible Moses saw God as a burning bush and he had to take his sandals off and was nearly blinded. I don't think we need to know what God looks like, but I "see" Him in the kindness of others and in the lives of the martyrs. The other day I got news of a minister who was run over by a steam roller starting at his feet and going up to his head while his wife and small son were forced to watch. I see God in sacrifice and in love and things like that.

Now, Jesus, on the other hand is quite another story. I see Jesus as God in the flesh so God/Jesus was first of all Jewish, not the watered down version of Judaism today but a pure middle eastern Jew, born to a virgin with God the father as his sire. I see a baby honored by the Magi, a young man wise beyond his years teaching in the temple, I see someone so gentle yet strong with eyes that can look deep into your soul and whose touch relays healing and whose voice would send chills to the depth of your being.

When I was a little girl, I would hold Jesus' hand and go for walks with Him. He has a sense of humor and loves a good party or gathering of people.

I don't think He is the sickly pallid looking figure I've seen so often in paintings.
Aarikja Ann