Gimster, I believe that God is a being of "person" by His own description, meaning to me He is of the male sex yet without procreation or the need for sexual contact. Not to mean he is neither male or female, just that he refers to Himself in the male gender.

I believe He is three entities in one, the three equal parts being God-the Father, God-the Son and God-the Holy Spirit. I think it takes all three persons of the Godhead to be "God", that he/they are the creator and husbandman of all creation, including mankind.

I think that in the beginning of time, God was and is and always will be and that a Ruling Angel existed in God's realm with him, the chief musician, and decided he wanted to no longer serve God but to BE God and started a rebellion. God kicked him out of his realm along with the rest of the rebellious angels and thus Satan and his cohorts (demons).

I literally saw Heaven and Hell and therefore believe with all my life that both exist and I don't want to go to the place with the Iron Gates. If you've ever been hopelessly depressed and suicidal, filled with self loathing..that's the feeling I got from the other end of the tunnel, a feeling that it never will end for all eternity.

I believe that love is a verb and that God IS love. I believe God speaks to His children in many forms. Once I was attending a church in Monroe, LA with my 3 daughters. They were involved in a building program and soliciting money from the members. I stood in the lobby one evening ready to go into a women's meeting when God verbally spoke to me and said to leave and never return. I left.

Not much later I found that the pastor and his wife were stealing the money and bought a new home for themselves then the members started burning boats and jeans and books and anything that would "come between them and God."

I love God and his Son and the Holy Spirit with all of my being and couldn't exist for one day without the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and the mindfulness of his presence. I trust HS to guide me and rebuke me and comfort me and lead me the way I'm supposed to go and to help me learn to treat everyone the way He wants me to and I make so many mistakes and am so sorry for it.

I believe God is a personal God and knows even when we lose a hair or break a nail. He loves us that much. He sent God the Son to be born as a baby from a woman's womb so that God the Father could experience in all ways what it is like to be human and to feel and to hurt and to rejoice and the whole spectrum of sensual living in this world.

My belief is that there is sin in the world, but that God doesn't totem pole sin or rank it in importance. I think the biggest sin of all is to try to sanction that sin and blatantly spit in the face of God or deny His existence or the existence of sin.

I also believe the Bible is God's word to us and that it is infallable and complete from Genesis to Revelation, and that we haven't even begun to tap into the power and love and grace in its pages. I believe it is God speaking to us.

I believe that God inhabits or indwells the praises of His people meaning that He actually in spirit form fills up the person with the Holy Spirit during those times of worship, loving, forgiving, cleansing and empowering. I don't believe it has to be trumped up or induced by chanting inane phrases or banal songs on your feet for 15 minutes until there is a breakthrough. My feeling is that the HS is always there in spirit and in truth to guide and fill us with his presence.

From what I've experienced in my own life and the lives of others to include the death of my husband which I was present for, I've no doubt there is an afterlife that lasts with no end. From what I've seen and witnessed, I agree with Hannelore, I'm NOT taking any chances of not making it to Heaven and I don't want to be responsible for not telling my children and grandchildren and any other members of my family how good it is to be one of God's own and be obedient to Him.

If I err in this life, I hope it is that I love too much or give too much and not that I wasn't obedient or respectful of the one I believe created me. My greatest fear--is that I will dishonor God and not fulfil my purpose for being alive.
Aarikja Ann