Gimster interesting post.

I had a very strict Catholic upbringing;-- nuns, Sunday School, and confession every Saturday. I was taught, God is everywhere and in every living thing. That part of my belief is still installed in me.

I'm in awe of this world and the millions of kinds of inhabitants that share it with me.
When I watch my grandchild study a pebble on the street, I think how brilliant the plan is; getting to know our surroundings from the little things to the big things. I can't fathom that nature and all the things happening are just a coincidence or a cosmic accident.

I believe in God. I also believe that he is beyond our comprehension. I believe we should do good and no harm. This belief is a part of instinct as well, and if one wilfully goes against it, I can not believe that that is in God's plan.

Evil obviously exists, but I don't believe in the devil or hell. I'm not sure about reincarnation. It sort of makes sense to me to think that an evil person may be born again, maybe as a walrus, scrapping his belly along a stony shoreline. I don't know…but I know one thing…I ain't taking any chances!

Many ladies here pray for one another and for others that are living in hard times. I pray as well, but have to admit I have a problem believing that my prayer will help another person, who I don't know, or am not even informed as to why this person needs prayer.

I do believe in positive thoughts. So I guess that is a form of prayer. When I pray, I lay my own soul and life in God's hands; so be it.