unles di the OCD effects behaviour....the desks may have to re-arranged lol.

OCD and addiction is reallie common. No not all OCD are addicted but addiction is classed as another type of obsessional compulsive disorder....the obsesion and compulsion being directed towards drugs...they get clean, but still very troubled then obsesife and intrusive thinking starts......Their is a certine "type" of mind set and thinking that addicts desplay...thats diffrent from problemed or very heavie drinkers...I got a thousand funnie stories to tell on that area....funnie as they are they never funnie to the person at the time (well rarely)

but back to you di spacificallie does it effect behaviour like cleaning obsesisly?

Do you mind being asked thse types of questions?

"Our attitude either gets in the way or creates a way," Sam Glenn